Telegram bots are special accounts on the Telegram messaging platform that are operated by software rather than humans. These bots can perform a variety of tasks, ranging from simple tasks like providing information or answering questions to more complex tasks such as interacting with external services or automating certain processes.
python-telegram-bot: This is a popular Python wrapper for the Telegram Bot API. It provides a high-level interface for interacting with Telegram bots and handling messages, updates, and other bot-related functionalities.
pip install python-telegram-bot
node-telegram-bot-api: This is a Node.js wrapper for the Telegram Bot API. It allows you to easily create and manage Telegram bots using JavaScript.
npm install node-telegram-bot-api
TelegramBots: This is a Java library for creating Telegram bots. It provides an easy-to-use API for interacting with the Telegram Bot API.
telegram-bot-ruby: This is a Ruby wrapper for the Telegram Bot API. It allows you to create Telegram bots using the Ruby programming language.
gem install telegram-bot-ruby